Multi Actor Approach Tool (MAATool):
In a world where social innovation is emerging as a fundamental pillar for sustainable development, it is essential to have tools to efficiently manage collaborative spaces. The Multi Actor Approach Tool (MAATool) is an innovative platform designed to manage, monitor and enhance collaboration between the different actors involved in social and technological innovation. Its approach is based on the integration of multiple actors with the aim of developing solutions collectively, ensuring that research and innovation processes are inclusive, participatory and aligned with the real needs of society.

MAATool facilitates the management of projects in social innovation spaces, providing tools for decision-making, impact assessment and effective communication between participants. In addition, it allows the reuse of information from previous projects, promoting continuous learning and the optimisation of future initiatives.
Its flexible and adaptable design allows it to be used in a wide variety of contexts, from community development programmes to technology innovation projects in collaboration with government, academic and private sector institutions.