The Multi-Actor Approach
The multi-stakeholder approach is the cornerstone of MAATool. This model promotes the active participation of all stakeholders in a project, ensuring that each actor brings their knowledge, experience and perspective to the creation of more effective solutions adapted to real needs.
Through this approach, the tool promotes:
- Inclusion and diversity, integrating actors from different sectors (government, business, institutions, civil society, etc.)
- Co-creation and transparency, allowing all parties to collaborate in decision-making and in defining objectives in a balanced way.
- Reliability and validation of results, ensuring that projects have a solid base of verifiable contributions.
This model ensures that initiatives are participatory and have community support to increase their impact and long-term sustainability.

Key elements
To facilitate the management of innovation projects, MAATool structures the information around three essential elements:
Social Spaces
Son entornos en los que los usuarios pueden experimentar, co-crear y desarrollar soluciones innovadoras en un contexto real. Un ejemplo de espacio social es un living lab, donde ciudadanos, empresas e instituciones trabajan juntos para diseñar y probar nuevas tecnologías y metodologías en situaciones del mundo real.
These spaces encourage experimentation in open and collaborative environments, allowing solutions to be adapted according to their impact and reception by the community.
Stakeholders are individuals and organisations that participate in the development of projects within social spaces. MAATool facilitates the identification, quantification and management of these actors to ensure a balanced representation.
Actors can come from different sectors:
- Social (NGOs, community associations).
- Economical (companies, investors, entrepreneurs).
- Political (public administrations, decision-makers).
- Academician (universities, research centres).
Each actor brings their perspective and expertise to enrich the innovation process and ensure that the solutions developed are sustainable and viable.

Programmes and Projects
Programmes are initiatives that integrate social spaces and actors with the aim of achieving specific innovation goals. Through MAATool, programmes can be organised in a structured way, defining levels of work that allow for scalable and flexible management.
Each programme can be composed of several working entities defined by different levels of depth and representing from individual tasks to complete action plans. Esto facilita el seguimiento del progreso y la evaluación del impacto de cada iniciativa.